Saturday, March 17, 2007

Why YA

Why YA?

I write YA. I never thought I’d go that route, but after my granddaughter asked me to write her story, I sort-of, shall we say fell into it…And fell in love with it, at the same time.

Was I surprised?

You bet your booties I was…I’ve read Harry Potter, and liked the books. Was I the biggest fan? Nope not at all. I found Harry and his buds entertaining, but didn’t get up at midnight to pick up the latest release. It would be there in the morning, and usually it took me several weeks just to get to it. I make a point of finishing the books I read before I start another one, otherwise, I’d have books stacked up all over my house, which I nearly do anyways. So I eventually get to Harry, and I take my grandkids to the movie, but never on the opening weekend. I wait for the hoopla to die down. So I guess you can say my fan base level is about 5 out of 10.

But….I do have a great appreciation for J.K Rowlings imagination, and her talent as a writer, and could only hope to have a tenth of her success, even that would make me a multimillionaire. What I appreciate most about her, she has brought kids back into book stores and opened up and revived Young Adult reading and renewed the genre taking to places it had never been before. Therefore, making it possible for a novice like myself to consider writing a YA. Go into any bookstore and you’ll find there is a whole new section of YA reading, from contemporary to historical…You name it, and they got it.

When I started doing my research into, what is kosher and what’s not in YA, I found it was pretty much a wide open field. Murders take place, there is teenage sex, (Yes I did say that.) More of behind the door stuff. There are warrior maidens, who do kill in battle, and lots of cute guys, and romance of type that could revival Bronte’ sisters. Very tension filled, romantic stuff. Surprising, yes, and no. And these books are very well written…Very well written, and filled with electrifying emotion, that only a teenager could really understand, and baby boomer can remember with a little fondness. (Life has a way of making you very jaded.) So to say they are fun, and an enjoyable read, is an understatement.

This all took me by surprise. So I dove into my new adventure of writing YA, and have loved every moment of writing over the top romantic moments, that only a teen could appreciate, and ole gal like me can reminisce about.

One of the books that has caused a stir and possible brought back the romance of Vampires is Stephenie Meyer’s vampire series, Twightlight and Moonlight. Both I’d highly recommend. For her Vamps, there fan clubs now, especially for Edward, who is your classic turn of the century romantic, because that was when he was born, and a real cutie too. If I was fifteen, I’d fall in love with him. Hey, I’m a fifty something grandma, and I still fell in love with him…Who wouldn’t love to have a Edward in your life at least somewhere, even if it was in the past.

YA's have come a remarkably long way in recent years. And I think it has more to do with the demand of the young readers, and their savviness. (I know that’s not word, but hey, why not.) So it’s a wide open field, the sky’s the limit.

I do have to admit, this is the most fun I’ve had writing a book in years. I’ve written contemporary cop stuff. Straight historical, paranormal historical, and I’ve liked what I did. But it was just okay, and I think it showed in my writing. This, though I’ve loved, and fell in love with my story, its characters, and yes, the genre.

I guess I’m just a kid at heart. I hope that never changes.



Jill James said...

It is so exciting to 'see' someone so thrilled with their writing. It will definitely show in your writing. Everyone has to find their niche.

Anonymous said...

As I said I've been surprised by my own excitment with this..I'm having a blast...It is much more fun thinking young then feeling old..A quote from my grandmother...Who was always very young at heart...

Anonymous said...

Lee you can feel your excitment and love for what you are writting in your blog. You can also hear it in your voice when you talk about. I am very excited for you, because this passion will show in your work.