Monday, May 14, 2007

Families and Writing

A laptop to produce your literary masterpiece: $1200.00
Membership to Romance Writers of America: $75.00
Support for your writing from your family: priceless

The biggest difference between writers who make it and those that don't is family support. I've heard horror stories of women struggling to balance home, work, and their dreams of writing, while getting zip from their families. Or worse, significant others who undermine their efforts to discover if they can do this, this dream.

If your family supports your writing, support them. Step away from the laptop from time to time. Make a nice meal, clean the house, take the kids to the park for an afternoon. You are not only writing for yourself, but for them. When they show some appreciation of your hard work, some them some appreciation too. Let them know they were wonderful to eat canned chili and hot dogs all week while you were on deadline. Now, give them a nice meal.

If your family understands what you're doing, and why, you are in the minority. Let them know how wonderful they are for helping you build your dream.

Support is definitely a two-way street. When the rugrats don't interrupt your writing hour and you find them getting along with no blood or damaged body parts, thank them. Next time they might give you an hour and a half. You never know, miracles can happen!

Jill James, president


Anonymous said...


How true, without our families support we will not succeed in the dreams. I am very thankful of the support my family gives me to achieve my dreams. 12 years ago, sanity finally took root and I went after my college degree. At that time my daughter was only six weeks old. Without the weekly baby sitting so I could go to class and the help so I could do my homework I would never have achieved my dream. It took me 8 years, a small break and working full time but I achieved that dream. During that time I took out time to show my appreciation and support to my family. Today I am going after my next dream, becoming a writer. Family and friends are the glue that we need to achieve our goals and dreams. Together we support each other and give each other encouragement. I am thankful for my family and friends, without them my dreams would not have meaning when I achieve them.


Jill James said...

Lyn, so well said. Our families are our glue and we are theirs.

Anonymous said...


A very fine message indeed. Blessings on all those families and significant others who stand beside and behind the writers in their lives! They peobably don't realize how critical their support is in our lives. So, yes, let them know, by all means.

As one who did not have that gift in my own writing life, I can tell you that even a little verbal encouragement would have meant the world to me. It certainly would have made my writer's journey a lot easier. I once heard someone quoted as saying, "There are two really important things we should give our children: belief in themselves and belief in their dreams." Those two gifts are well beyond price and will see them on whatever paths they choose to follow.

You and Lyn are wealthy beyond words to have your families' support. Happy Writer's Day to you both!


Jill James said...

Juanita, know that you have lots of support now. The Black Diamonds are behind you 110%.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't write with Louie. Sometimes he bugs me, with his "What are you doing?" When he knows what I'm doing, but other then those small moments, he has my back 100% of the time. As do my kids. When I got my request for a full and couldn't babysit, my son said, "Mom you've worked to long and hard to let this oppertunity pass you by, don't worry about it." So support of family is priceless. I couldn't do it without mine.

Jill James said...

Lee, that understanding IS priceless.